
A Nutritious Diet Will Give You Healthy Hair

This article identifies five types of foods that are very beneficial for the hair. If you eat a lot of these foods in daily life, who care about issues such as loss of hair or white hair.

First Salmon

Salmon contains a large number of omega-3 fatty acids, high quality protein and vitamin B12 and iron ions. Among these nutrients are omega-3 fatty acids, the essential ingredient for the health of the scalp. Nutrition experts from Los Angeles to stress that lack of omega-3 fatty acids, which cause dry scalp and hair will be dark without luster. So what do vegetarians? They can eat flax seed per day, which also contains lots of omega-3 fatty acids.

Other: dark green vegetables

Spinach is the first option. If you do not eat spinach, broccoli and spinach are good choices. Spinach is the best source of vitamin A and vitamin C. These two types of vitamins are essential for lipid synthesis. They are the "hair conditioner" natural. In addition, green vegetables can also provide a large amount of iron and calcium.

Third: Beans

Beans, such as beans and lentils, play an important role in hair health. They provide not only a large amount of protein that can promote hair growth, but also are rich in iron, zinc and biotin. The lack of these substances can cause brittle hair and lead to hair loss. Experts from the American Association of Nutrition suggests that people should eat three to four cups of beans a week.

Fourth: nuts

To make hair thicker and brighter, you should eat more nuts in everyday life. Nuts are the best natural source of selenium, which is one of the most important minerals for maintaining health of the scalp. Nuts contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which may help with hair care products. At the same time, the nuts also contain large amounts of zinc, and so do cashews, hickory, and almond. Zinc deficiency can cause the hair easier to break off and fall. As a result, the nuts are important in maintaining healthy hair.

Fifth, low-fat milk

Low-fat milk, skim milk and yogurt are good sources of calcium. Calcium is an important mineral for promoting hair growth. In addition, low-fat milk also contains whey protein and casein. Moreover, these two types of proteins belong to the set of high quality protein, which is very beneficial for healthy hair.

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