
Bad Breath - Solutions at the Prospect of a Dentist

Bad breath (also known as halitosis) can ruin your day or someone else. If you have chronic bad breath, you're wondering what causes it and what you can do to get rid of it. I am a dentist and work for people with bad breath every day. They often ask what they can do to improve your breathing. I'll tell you exactly what I'm talking about bad breath and how to fix it.


First Poor oral hygiene. In short, most people do not brush and floss daily, as they should.

2nd Spaces. You can say someone’s breathing, if they smoke or not. If you associate smoking with poor oral hygiene and coffee, it can be a devastating combination!

3. Caries and periodontal diseases. These are both conditions in which bacteria have reached the hands of both the teeth and gums. None of this something you can solve alone. Need to see a dentist to diagnose and treat these conditions. If left untreated, leads to problems much more than just bad breath.

4. Dry mouth. Saliva is the key to protecting the mouth. It contains many enzymes and antibodies to help fight bacteria in the mouth. If your mouth is dry, it was the protection of saliva for the growth of bacteria out of control.

5. The foods you eat. Onions and garlic is the main culprit here.


1. of primary importance is the result of a strict (but simple) system of brushing and flossing. If you do nothing in the list, that! Brush at least twice a day for two minutes each time. When you brush, be sure to brush your tongue too. Language is a great place where bacteria can accumulate and grow. You should also floss once a day, making sure to clean the sides of two teeth.

2nd Stop smoking. It is difficult, but will greatly assist your bad breath and reduce your risk of many other diseases.

3. Visit your dentist every six months for a cleaning and exam. Do not just keep the mouth clean, but can help you avoid costly treatments in the future.

4. Mouthwash. There is a lot of mouthwash to choose from. All have an antimicrobial effect and helps to cover the time bad breath.

5. Watch what you eat. Avoid foods that will give you bad breath.

The sixth gum. It stimulates saliva flow, which leads to increased protection of your mouth. Specifically, you chew sugar-free gum, or if you want to go further, chewing gum containing xylitol sweetener, which is known to fight against bacteria.

If you follow these instructions do not help, it can serve you well to see your dentist or doctor for another check-up. Bad breath can sometimes be the result of infections or underlying illness.

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